Monday, August 6, 2007

Conner can jump

I have mentioned previously that Conner could jump on and off the couches on one end only. He has had another jumping break through however. When we got ready to go to FL this weekend, Allie jumped in the back of the car and into her crate. SO DID CONNER! I mean, this is huge!!!!!
I'm not totally sure he realized what he had done until he was up there but we were amazed and really, really praised him. He managed this feat several more times over the weekend. Apparently this ability still hasn't transferred to the other end of the couches as evidenced by his performance last night when we got home. Oh, well, I am thrilled with any and all progress.
The workshop went well and the participants were great. All except one had been to the January Spin-in and I think she will probably come next year. I tried to stay in the chair with my foot propped up as much as I could but the foot/ankle was still swollen by the end of the day.
Got to visit with lots of friends while we were there and that was great fun. Waaaaay too short a time but better than not getting there at all.


Unknown said...

N: the jump neuron is connected to the ? neuron, the ? neruon is connected to the ?? neuron. which finally connects to the ??? neuron and they all go round and round.

Unknown said...

I tried to leave a neuronal post complimenting Conner on his neuronal imput to his front and back legs, but it didn't work. I am trying again.
Click Neurons Click! Go Conner Go!

Dr. Martha