Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Having a Sabbath Day

It's been a while since I have stayed home almost all day without doing a lot. I went out at lunch time to bring some food home but other than that, I have been hibernating. There is a whole long list of should dos but it is now late afternoon and I am just resting.

It's a day of resting on the couch watching the traffic, what there is of it, go by and generally just taking it easy. I don't often do this but every once in a while the allergies / sinuses decide to let me know they're around and rest becomes important and necessary. It's not a bad thing. Thus, the title of having a Sabbath day. It's a day of rest and if I think of it that way, I'm not chomping at the bit to get out and "do" something.  I don't know about the rest of you but I can let my life get to the point that extremely busy becomes the norm. It's only when I make a determined effort to rest that I realize the peace involved in a Sabbath type day.

I did a bit of knitting on a washcloth and , obviously, I'm writing on my blog but that pretty much covers the extent of my effort at anything today. I have found that when I am forced to rest like this, the mind wanders and I think of possibilities. Possibilities are exciting things. You may never actually DO them, but thinking about them provides great entertainment.

Oh, I have been playing Words With Friends on my iPhone today. If you have an iPhone, and don't have this app, be sure to get it. Lots of fun and a great way to stretch the mind. I think I am currently playing WWF with 5 other people but since a couple of the people I am playing with only make a move every few days, it's not a high pressure thing.

One of the things I have been thinking about is January Spin-in. I am so excited about one of the things Cheryl and I have decided to do. Isn't it fun to have a friend whose mind is as twisted as your own?

Hmm, sitting on the couch looking out the window has made me realize that although I would love to have a front yard filled with flowers and lots of mulch, I would miss the look of the grass in the shade. It looks so cool out there and I know it's not.

Did I mention that the mind tends to ramble during Sabbath time? Apparently mine does but it's restful kind of rambling, not frantic, "oh I have to get that done" type of rambling.

Ok, it's probably time to rest the fingers and the dogs are starting to make noises about being hungry---again.

1 comment:

Ewespecial said...

It's always good to have a quiet time to let the mind ramble and roam--we need that! And you and that there an app for just doing nothing????