Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sock update

Sock update
Originally uploaded by january spin
I wish I had smaller feet! Never thought about it before now but sock knitting has made small feet desireable.

I am enjoying the process and glad that I selected a plain sock for my first attempt. I enjoy working with 2 circulars and the yarn that I am using has such a tight twist that it ought to wear well. The toe up method is great because it lets you reward yourself by trying on the sock at various stages and thus you are encouraged to continue the knitting marathon.

I do think I am going to start another project with larger needles to give the hands a rest for a bit. The size 1 needles mean I only knit for short stretches at a time. Does anyone else have this problem?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes - the trick is to stop every 10 to 20 minutes and exercise your hands. Stretch fingers back (do not force) then make a claw flexing all knuckles. 2 or 3 reps to start - work up to 10. DO NOT OVERDO OR STRAIN. Then make circles with thumbs. Every 20 minutes (or every other commercial !!) stand up and walk around your abode. Roll your shoulders. Clasp your hands behind your back and pull down. This eases the trapezoid muscles - look them up on google - you'll be amazed at how much of an area they cover. Knitters are known to wind up with their shoulders close to their ears in fixed concentration. Be kind to yourself, your neck, shoulders, arms and fingers. And then raise your arms from down at your sides to up over your head while taking a deep breath - while you're in that position, take time to thank God for all the goodness in your life. Be happy in your work, love, Gina