Saturday, July 21, 2007

2nd week with the crutch

Well, I decided to move my blog. This is the sort of thing that happens when you have too much time to sit around the house. I have surfed the net, with the foot semi-propped up, and have found all sorts of things I didn't know about.
The foot is still slightly swollen and there are still some lovely bruise marks but it's getting less colorful.
I tried to drive yesterday. Not the best idea I've ever had. I could work the brake with the left foot just fine--only forgot to use it one time. The problem was with the accelerator and the right foot. I could not use a lot of pressure on the accelerator which meant I traveled at the rapid speed of 30 miles an hour. Really ticked off some other drivers, I am sure.
Fortunately, I was only going out for lunch and since it was close, I was only a short time traffic risk.

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