Thursday, February 4, 2010

Decisions, decisions

T'is hard to decide whether it is nobler in spirit to knit or to spin, ah, to spin, perchance to finish the silk, or to knit and thus to complete the prayer shawl (which is barely started), or to take up needles against a new project and thus by doing so finish something.
*My apologies to Shakespeare but it raining today and therefore waxing poetic is allowed--mildew on the brain and all that.

The problem with January Spin-in is that I end up with too many projects I want to rush out to try and there's only one of me which is why I have been trying to promote a fiber clone for years. Well, several clones and then I could bounce from one project to the next without guilt and when I moved on the clones could complete what I had left behind. Have I mentioned I am a process person?

Ok, I am now going to seriously do at least 5 rows on the prayer shawl and then reward myself by knitting with some of my handspun cotton...or maybe spin some more silk on the wheel, or on the Trindle spindle, or perhaps spin the BFL on the other wheel....Hey, you didn't expect total reform this early in the year, did you?

1 comment:

Ewespecial said...

Total reform--NOT, but you are heading in the right direction!
Happy stitching or treadling--whatever your choice of the day is.